The Gold Rush Classic Charity Golf Tournament & Injury Attorneys Who Care About The Community
Posted on 18th August, 2019

If you're an avid reader of our Law Firm's posts, then you know that we talk a lot about injury law. It only makes sense as we are one of Sacramento County's leading Personal Injury Law Firms. Talking about car crashes and other injury incidents is how to help potential clients gather information. However, John O'Brien and Grant Zehnder are much more than just award-winning injury lawyers, they are advocates who care about the community.
Every year, our law firm donates time, money, and resources to our community. We believe that giving back is important, and we encourage all of you who have the financial ability to join us in an amazing charity event. The Gold Rush Classic Celebrity PRO-AM is a phenomenal opportunity to help multiple charities that help children in need. The tournament takes place September 14th and 15th, and the proceeds go toward funding organizations that help so many kids throughout Sacramento County and beyond.
Giving Back to Sacramento, Elk Grove, and all of Sacramento County
OZ Law is proud to announce its sponsorship and participation in the upcoming celebrity and charity golf tournament, The Gold Rush Classic. Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Zehnder, and the entire staff at OZ LAW couldn't be happier to help organizations like this, as the funds go toward helping the most important people in our society: children.
According to the California State PTA, a leading organization that assists children and students, there are over 200,000 homeless children in California ALONE. Many of these children are doing their best to stay in school and to better themselves. However, with parents addicted to drugs and no money for clothes or food, simply trying to survive day to day is a struggle. It's beyond heartbreaking, it's a tragedy that SHOULD NOT take place in California.
We aim to help fix this, and with organizations and events like The Gold Rush Classic, we can all help give to those who need it most. OZ LAW invites all of you who are able to join us in supporting this amazing event. Come out, have some fun, and watch our law firm go for a million-dollar hole-in-one as we help bring light to children who are left in the shadows.
What is The Gold Rush Classic?
The Gold Rush Classic is a pro-am Golf Tournament designed to help raise money for charity organizations. The event is raising funds for multiple organizations that help children in need throughout Sacramento County. It all starts off with a charity dinner and then finishes with a family fun golf game and a MILLION DOLLAR "hole in one" challenge.
OZ LAW invites everyone who can make it to come and join our law firm in helping these amazing organizations. The tournament starts on September 14th and goes on till the 15th. For more information, you can click here or call our law firm.
Becoming a Sponsor or Donating to The Gold Rush Classic
OZ LAW isn't putting on the tournament, BUT we ARE sponsoring it by donating time, money, and resources to help this organization. The charity fundraiser is aimed at helping children in need, which struck a chord with our firm. We believe that the most important people are our children and youth, and we want to do all we can to help the most needy kids.
If you want to get involved we suggest visiting The Gold Rush Classic website, click here to learn more about this charity event and what you can do to support it.
How can I get involved in helping those in need in Sacramento County?
If you're as emotionally moved as we are to help children and those in need, check out the events and organizations below. There are lots of ways you can get involved and help our community. Bringing someone a blanket or making a sandwich and simply giving it to someone in need. Perhaps you know of a child or family struggling; if you want to do something, you can.
Click on the links below to learn more about charity organizations and events in Sacramento County. You can also call our law firm and ask us about the events that we're involved in.